Categorie: Miraeus Lectures
Miræus Lecture • Pierre Assenmaker & Valérie Leyh
Christoph Plantin, a player in a multilingual book market. A tour through the Namur collection of Plantin editions 19 maart 2025 om 18u30Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Antwerpen Deelname is gratis, maar inschrijven is verplicht. In 2020, the already impressive collection of Plantinian editions held at the Bibliothèque Universitaire Moretus Plantin (BUMP) in Namur was considerably enriched…
Miræus Lecture • Nicholas De Sutter
Following the Script. Latin School Drama in the Southern Low Countries from Counter-Reformation to Counter-Enlightenment 16 oktober 2024 om 18u30Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Antwerpen Deelname is gratis, maar inschrijven is verplicht. One of the most visible and ‘spectacular’ methods of using and teaching Latin in early modern secondary schools was the performance of theatre in the…
Miræus Lecture • Virginia Blanton
The Afterlives of Syon Abbey Books 24 april 2024 om 18u30Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Antwerpen Deelname is gratis, maar inschrijven via de website van de Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience is verplicht. Founded by Henry V of England in 1415, Syon Abbey was a Birgittine double house that became a center of learning and preaching, as well as…
Miræus Lecture • Renaud Adam
Censorship and Biblioclasm in the Low Countries (15th-16th centuries) 27 maart 2024 om 18u30Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Antwerpen Deelname is gratis, maar inschrijven via de website van de Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience is verplicht. With this lecture, Renaud Adam proposes to evoke the problem of book censorship in the 15th and 16th centuries in the former Low…